Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Coffin for Israel

Coffin for Israel
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Coffin in Tehran Waits for Salman Rushdie [Kathryn Jean Lopez]: Via Tom Gross

Salman Rushdie's coffin being prepared at the "International Exhibition of the Koran," at the Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque in central Tehran this week. (There is also a coffin for the state of Israel in the background) 09:12 AM 09/18
From "The Corner" National Review Online, 09.18.2008
Iranian President Mahoud Ahmadinejad has stated that he wants to wipe Israel off the map. So why does the United States, who claims to be Israel's greatest ally, continue to let him into the United States? When will someone stand up and DENY HIM A VISA! Not any time soon.

President-elect Obama has had no qualms about meeting with Ahmadinejad unconditionally in the past, and apparently has no problem continuing the open dialogue.
This makes Obama's move to "prove" his loyalty to Israel by offering Congressman Rahm Emmanuel, the son of an Israeli, the position of Chief of Staff seems a little hollow. Iran is a hotbed of terroristic, anti-Western, and anti-Freedom thought and activity. Iran hates both the United States and Israel. And they want the right to go nuclear. The stakes are a lot higher than most realize.

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